Separation of Parent Homopolymers from Poly(ethylene oxide) and Polystyrene Based Block Copolymers by Liquid Chromatography under Limiting Conditions of Desorption-2. Studies of Samples Obtained from ATRP and NMP

Separation of Parent Homopolymers from Poly(ethylene oxide) and Polystyrene Based Block Copolymers by Liquid Chromatography under Limiting Conditions of Desorption-2. Studies of Samples Obtained from ATRP and NMP

Marion Rollet, Berengere Pelletier, Dusan Berek, Sebastien Maria, Trang N. T. Phan, Didier Gigmes, K. Matyjaszewski, B. S. Sumerlin, N. V. Tsarevsky, J. Chiefari
, 1188 327-347 (2015)