Novel Sterically Crowded and Conformationally Constrained α-Aminophosphonates with a Near-Neutral pKa as Highly Accurate 31P NMR pH Probes. Application to Subtle pH Gradients Determination in Dictyostelium discoideum Cells
DNA damage and oxidative stress induced by CeO 2 nanoparticles in human dermal fibroblasts: Evidence of a clastogenic effect as a mechanism of genotoxicity
On the vasoprotective mechanisms underlying novel β-phosphorylated nitrones: Focus on free radical characterization, scavenging and NO-donation in a biological model of oxidative stress
New Amino-Acid-Based beta-Phosphorylated Nitroxides for Probing Acidic pH in Biological Systems by EPR Spectroscopy
Antidiabetic, antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties of water and n-butanol soluble extracts from Saharian Anvillea radiata in high-fat-diet fed mice
A fluorescent homogeneous assay for myeloperoxidase measurement in biological samples. A positive correlation between myeloperoxidase-generated HOCl level and oxidative status in STZ-diabetic rats
Inhibitory effect of fungoid chitosan in the generation of aldehydes relevant to photooxidative decay in a sulphite-free white wine
Improving the Antioxidant Properties of Calophyllum inophyllum Seed Oil from French Polynesia: Development and Biological Applications of Resinous Ethanol-Soluble Extracts
Chitosan as an antioxidant alternative to sulphites in oenology: EPR investigation of inhibitory mechanisms